Check for currently scheduled upcoming big band karaoke shows.
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Here’s how it works:
- The band prepares a collection of well-known vocalist + big band songs.
- We publish our song list, along with famous recordings of each song:
- At the event, audience members take turns coming up on stage and singing anything from our song list.
- On stage, we provide a hardcopy song book, a teleprompter, and cue the singers for their entrances.
It is raw and unrehearsed. It is nerve wracking. Sometimes we have to stop and restart a tune. But it is exciting and so much fun! Everyone supports each other, and we enjoy an evening of making music together.
Wait, what?!
Top Shelf Big Band has a large library of vocal charts. See our list, along with links to famous recordings of those songs, here:
Pick a song, put your name on our list at the door, and when it’s your turn we’ll call you up on stage to take the spotlight and sing with Top Shelf Big Band backing you. A teleprompter with lyrics will be provided.
What is a “big band”?
A “big band” consists of drums, piano, bass, guitar, saxophones, trombones and trumpets. Big band was the instrumentation of classic swing bands like Benny Goodman and Glenn Miller, then later groups like Count Basie and Buddy Rich, and were the backing band for singers like Frank Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald.
I like karaoke, but I don’t know big band songs.
You probably know a lot more big band music than you think you do. You’ll recognize many of the recordings in the link above.
I like big band music, but I don’t know about karaoke.
You don’t have to sing if you don’t want to. Come and cheer on your friends and the band.
Can I sing more than one song?
We want to give everyone a chance to sing. Most likely, each singer will only get one song during the show, but if there are still open slots after everyone has gotten a chance, you can come back up for more.
What if everyone wants to sing the same song?
We’ll sequence the songs so that there aren’t duplicates back-to-back. You might also want to have a few songs from our list in mind, so that you can choose a song other singers aren’t already doing.
Can I request songs not on your list? Or bring my own music for you to play?
The band will sound better if we can rehearse your music in advance. Contact us ( ahead of time if you want to sing something not on our list; we’ll work out something.
What if I miss my entrance or the song otherwise falls apart?
That’s the excitement of live music. We’ll help you out with entrances, and we can always restart if needed.
What if everyone wants to sing?
Over the course of the event, we can accommodate between twenty and thirty singers (with breaks, that is about three hours of music). More than that, and both the audience and the band will get fatigued. We will try our best to be fair and give everyone who wants to sing an opportunity. But ultimately, getting a chance to sing is first-come, first-served at the door when the event opens. Purchasing a ticket to one of our karaoke shows does not completely guarantee a chance to sing at that event.